Frequently Asked Questions
What Is Therapy/Psychotherapy?
​Treatment of physical, mental or behavioral problems that is meant to cure or rehabilitate. Psychotherapy emphasizes substituting desirable responses and behavior patterns for undesirable ones
Why Choose Therapy?​
​There are many reasons that people seek out therapy, but it is often that there is an event, crisis or situation that a person wants to address, because it is creating imbalance in their life. Often a doctor or other trained professional will suggest to their patient that attending therapy may help them feel better about their current situation by decreasing the worrisome symptoms. When children are involved parents or schools may ask that a child/teen attend therapy to help deal with the stressers of peer relationships, past trauma, defiant behaviors, depression, anxiety, self-harm and suicidal ideation. Loss and grief often motivate loved ones who are unable to cope with a life-threatening diagnosis or death to seek help to make sense and meaning about their circumstances. Whatever your therapy needs are, we can discuss them during your initial phone consultation.
What Is Telehealth Psychotherapy?
Telehealth is the delivery of therapeutic mental health services at your convenience via Tele-Conferencing from your own device i.e. Phone, Tablet or Computer. It expands the service area covered for those clients further away from our "brick & mortar office setting. It may be an option, when you are feeling a bit under the weather but do not want to miss your scheduled session ​for the week. It can also be used for shorter sessions for added support in between regular visits. It is simply an alternative way to be connected with your therapist, when an office visit is impossible to do.
What is the Youngest Age of a Child You Will See in Therapy?
​I will see a child as young as 4 years old. Play Therapy will be the treatment modality with the support of the child's parent, guardian or caregiver. While the child is in the play therapy room, the parent must remain present in the waiting area for the duration of the session. Sessions will begin and end with a parent consult. Should the parent need additional time, a follow up session should be scheduled to address further concerns.
What Is A Mandated Reporter?
Massachusetts has strict mandated reporter guidelines. Mandated Reporters are individuals who are obligated by law to report suspected cases of child abuse & neglect, elder abuse & neglect and abuse & neglect of a person with a disability. Mandated reporter laws are designed to catch abuse & neglect in its early stages, so that people do not suffer long term damage. As a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW), I am a mandated reporter and take this task very seriously. Should I have a concern, it is my obligation to file a report with the designated state agency.
What Does HIPAA Mean?
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) HIPAA Title I protects health insurance coverage for workers and their families when they change or lose their jobs. HIPAA Title II addresses the security and privacy of health data. It requires the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to establish national standards for electronic health care transactions, as well as national identifiers for providers, health plans and employers. To comply with HIPAA, systems of care must establish ways to ensure patient privacy as the patients move seamlessly from one agency to another.
How Long Will Therapy Last?
Each individual responds to therapy differently and will be evaluated each session on their progress. If you are accessing your insurance out-of-network benefit, they will also have a voice in your length of treatment. If you are a private payer, there is increased flexibility on when your treatment will end. Therapy is meant to address a need, (whatever that need may be) and aid in the relief of symptoms and/or increase daily functioning. Some people want to access therapy to work on goals and ideas for their future, but are not necessarily having mental health difficulties. Most insurers would not authorize treatment which is more elective. Because I have the philosophy that the client should ultimately have a voice in what is in their best interest, therapy could take place as long as client will pay privately. This also includes the ability to access a sliding scale fee. Therapy will last as long as it is clinically indicated and in the best interest of the client. The clinician and client will make this determination together.
What Are Out Of Network Benefits?
​Out-of-network benefits (OON) refer to a patient seeking care outside the network of doctors, hospitals or other health care providers that the insurance company has contracted with to provide care. It usually applies to health maintenance organizations (HMOs) and preferred provider organizations (PPOs). If you choose to access your OON, please contact your insurer to find out the details of coverage. This can also be discussed during your initial phone consultation.
What are the 3 types of trauma?
The three main types of trauma are: acute, chronic, or complex:
Acute trauma results from a single incident.
Chronic trauma is repeated and prolonged such as domestic violence or abuse.
Complex trauma is exposure to varied and multiple traumatic events, often of an invasive, interpersonal nature.